
(2)Deforestation is the cutting down of trees and plants in an area so it may be clear for human use and so they might use the resources yielded by the forests.(3) 11 million acres are cut down each year to clear land for use in commercial industries as well as property industries. The main cause of deforestation is logging. (3)At one point it was estimated that 500,000 hectares were being cleared each week. By over drawing our resources and refusing to properly reforest we precipitate our losses more and more. Logging is not the only problem though. Over grazing by cattle owned by ranchers is also a fairly large problem. (3)In 1989 it was estimated that about 15,000 square kilometers were being used just for cattle grazing. Other lesser causes, though no less potent, are acid rain and the construction of dams. The loss of our forests greatly affects the world we live in. Each day more and more of our tropical rainforests are being cut down. Around half of all the earth's species come from the rainforest.(3) An estimated 50 to 100 species of both plant and animal life are being lost each day due to deforestation. (3)An estimated 750 million to 800 million hectares of rainforest have been lost from the original 1.5 to 1.6 billion hectares. (3)These forests that are being lost are important sources of not only wood and other commercial products but about 25% of the worlds medicine comes from them. An even greater loss might be that one of the 50 to 100 species of the plant variety that are being lost might have or had the cure for cancer and other such diseases. These of course are not the only things being affected. The amount of trees in an area determines the amount of water absorbed back into the water table as well as the amount of moisture in the atmosphere. If we continue at this rate the loss of forested areas may cause a severe change in climate. The soil around our rainforests is very important as well. For the most part all the nutrients in the soil are washed away by the heavy rains that occur regularly each day in the rainforest. These nutrients are replenished mainly by the dead matter that collects on the forest floor and decompose to put more nutrients back into the soil. Without this the soil in that area would become virtually useless for growing because it would become so lacking in nutrients the possibility for regrowth would become difficult. Deforestation is really going to affect people in the coming years. If we don't carefully regulate our resources it is going to become a problem of massive proportions. If this continues our resources will run out which means there won't be a rainforest anymore. With no rainforest valuable plants for medicine will be lost as well as many wonderful and essential species of wildlife. Soon we will also have to look for other sources of material for building things like houses. Our forests are a big part of our world and are important for our survival. With fewer trees the amount of oxygen in the air will decrease and the amount of carbon dioxide will increase. With fewer trees our climates will change and our resources will be lost. If we do not do something to stop the deforestation our planet we will be in even more dire straights than we alread are. Our forests are immeasurably important.




Friday, June 6, 2008

Final Exam Question # 3

Earth has many options for renewable resources. One such resource is Solar Power. "Solar power is a synonym of solar energy or refers specifically to the conversion of sunlight into electricity by photovoltaics, concentrating solar thermal devices or various experimental technologies."(1) Using Solar Power is a much more clean, environmentally friendly way to power our world. Another renewable resource is Wind Power. "Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into useful form, such as electricity, using wind turbines."(2) The use of Wind Energy is also a increasingly popular form of renewable energy that has minimal effects on our environment. Then there are the nonrenewable resources we use. One example are fossil fuels. "Formed from plants and animals that lived up to 300 million years ago, fossil fuels are found in deposits beneath the earth. The fuels are burned to release the chemical energy that is stored within this resource."(3) Fossil fuels are one of the most widely used and yet they are a resource that is not only harmful to our environment but running out. Yet another resource is Nuclear Power. "Nuclear power is any nuclear technology designed to extract usable energy from atomic nuclei via controlled nuclear reactions. The most common method today is through nuclear fission, though other methods include nuclear fusion and radioactive decay."(4) The normal flow of energy through our earth is energy from the sun gives energy to our plants which are consumed by animals which are consumed by other animals which are all consumed by us. This is why our renewable resources are so benificial. For solar energy everything is natural we are just using the energy from the sun like we've always been. For wind energy we use the wind which is also powered by the sun due to the fact that the sun gives our earth heat and wind is created by the collision of hot and cold air. The reason of course that people don't just switch over is money and simplicity. It's easier for some to just stay as we are. For some the current sources of fuel being used is what makes them a lot of money so they see no reason for change. "Installing a solar power system is equivalent to prepaying for 40 years of power at a fraction of the cost you currently pay."(6) "Modern wind turbine generators cost between $1500 and $2000 per kilowatt for wind farms that use multiple-unit arrays of large machines. Smaller individual units cost up to $3000 per kilowatt. In good wind areas, the costs of generating electricity range between five and ten cents per kilowatt hour. That cost is somewhat higher than the costs associated with an electrical facility, but wind energy costs are decreasing every year, whereas most conventional generation costs continue to increase. "(7) According to these quotes it seems clear that not only are our renewable resources environmentally friendly but they are also friendly to your wallet's environment.
This information could be very useful later since it is becoming more and more beneficial to "go green" and use better renewable resources of power. For this topic using renewable resources would really be for the Common Good but it depends on each person's own pursuit of happiness. Some might think it costs more or it really isn't that big a difference. The truth is that in the long run you'll be saving money and the difference on our environment would be tremendous.



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